Building Secure Collaborative Workspaces for an IT & Data Services Company

Building Secure Collaborative Workspaces for an IT & Data Services Company

IT Services

Technology Used:

  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007
  • C# .NET
  • .NET 2.0
  • AJAX


A Chicago-based IT & Data Services company seeking to enhance collaboration and communication with internal and external stakeholders.


Solution Delivered:

  • Dual Portals:We designed and built separate extranet and intranet portals tailored to specific user needs.
  • Extranet Portal:The secure extranet portal allowed clients to access and share documents, fostering improved communication and engagement.
  • Intranet Portal:The internal portal facilitated knowledge sharing, document management, and efficient collaboration among employees.
  • Seamless Integration:Integration with external tools ensured smooth information exchange and streamlined workflows.


The client was able to get the following results –

  • Enhanced Client Engagement:Secure document sharing and communication channels in the extranet improved client interaction.
  • Streamlined Internal Collaboration:The intranet portal facilitated efficient knowledge sharing and document management, boosting internal collaboration.
  • Improved Workflow Efficiency:Integration with external tools streamlined overall workflows for a more efficient operation.

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